
Dear Brittany,

You have already lived through hell - and now you are being further traumatized because evil men are using you and your pain to advance their personal religious agenda. It is unimaginable.

I want you to know that you are not alone. There are women across this country standing with you - and we will continue to fight. We are women who have lived through miscarriages; we see you. We are outraged for you. We will not give up.

In Solidarity, Kristi

Dear Brittany and Kate,

While I’m certain you both did not anticipate a national spotlight, please know there are legions of mothers, grandmothers, young women & families standing with you & behind you. We are galvanized & stronger together! Thank you for fighting young women & girls throughout the country.


Dear Kate,

We stand behind you 100%! We will fight to ensure this ends! Your body your choice! TMFR is not abortion rather an act of love that must be taken to ensure baby endures no pain. I stand with you and know how difficult and devastating this choice was to make.


Dear Brittany,

You are not alone. To go through this criminalization and public spectacle for something that has happened to so many of us in a similar way only highlights the damage that has been done within our system. Please know, there are hundreds of thousands of us that are thinking about you and supporting you. We stand with you.

Love, Claire

Dear Brittany,

I see you as a brokenhearted parent. You deserve grief support, not a trial.

Love, Sabrina

Dear Kate,

From one mom to another: I'm so sorry for your impending loss, and even more sorry that you have to fight injustice at the time of your family's tragedy and crisis. Thank you for finding the strength to fight for us all at a time like this. You are mother of all mothers. Please feel yourself held in the collective embrace of millions and millions of women who have walked some form of this path before you, and know the impact you are making for all who will come after.


Kate Carson (fellow TFMR mom and admin at Ending a Wanted Pregnancy Support Group)

Dear Brittany,

We see you. I remember the morning I was  trying to get out the door with my 5 year old and 2.5 year old. It was my 5 year old's first day of kindergarten. I was about 12 weeks pregnant. I started feeling cramps and then a gush of blood. I ran to the toilet, continued cramping, with clotted blood. I miscarried on the toilet. Cleaned myself up and took my two kids out the door for kindergarten drop off. All the parents sat on the floor with our kids to say good bye to them on this big first day. Many had a few tears- I had lots.

So many people I know miscarry at home just like you. I am so sorry this system seeks  punishment for what a woman's body naturally does- plus all this attention on you. I hope for justice for you and peace!



You are a true hero. Your courage and selflessness are immeasurable. I received the same diagnosis this past May and it was absolutely devastating. I am in awe of your strength to fight against the unjust laws in Texas while also navigating your own grief and trauma. I used to live in Texas, and if I still did, I do not think I could been strong enough myself. You are making such a difference to so many women across the country and the world. I am sorry for your loss, of your daughter as well as all the secondary losses that come with it. I am sorry you will not get to hold your baby in your arms; although I know she will be in your heart forever. I am sorry you had to seek healthcare away from home, without the comfort of your safe space. My husband and I are praying for you as you navigate this devastating season and we hope you know that we admire you and will always remember your willingness to fight for women everywhere.

With Love and Admiration,


Dear Brittany,

The system has failed you. But we will not stop fighting for you. 

Love, Stella

Dear Kate & Brittany,

In a perfect world, stories like yours would not be necessary. There would be no ‘debate’ about women’s bodily autonomy...but here we are. Billie Eilish sings, “The internet’s gone wild watching movie stars on trial/while they’re overturning Roe v. Wade.” I hope there is a tiny ounce of solace for you, some sliver of a silver lining, in that your stories are indeed capturing the attention of the general public. And that perhaps, due to your bravery, Billie’s lyrics will soon be a remnant of the past.

I will not stop speaking out and fighting, Jeremy

Dear Brittany,

What has happened to you is unjust and barbaric. I had three miscarriages in the late eighties, so I understand your heartache. The difference is that I never once thought I would be or could arrested for what is a common occurrence. May you soon have the peace you need to grieve and heal.

With sorrow, Marketia

*Dear Brittany and Kate,

While I’m certain you both did not anticipate a national spotlight, please know there are legions of mothers, grandmothers, young women & families standing with you & behind you. We are galvanized & stronger together! Thank you for fighting young women & girls throughout the country.



Letter to Omma


Letters to Kate