It’s Endometriosis Awareness Month and I’m Angry

I'm angry that it still takes a decade or more for us to get a diagnosis, a name for what we're experiencing.

I'm angry that most doctors still know so little about endometriosis.

I'm angry that so much of the burden of accessing good care falls on patients.

I'm angry that so many OBGYN's are performing insufficient surgeries, instead of referring out to someone who can do it right the first time.

I'm angry that excision specialists are so rare and inaccessible to most.

I'm angry that endo is near the bottom of the list for disease research funding.

I'm angry that I'm now 40 and know the system hasn't changed much, that pre-teens having symptoms now face the same issues my generation did trying to get diagnosed and access good care.

I'm angry that our pain and symptoms are dismissed and disregarded.

I'm angry that we're told the pain is in our heads.

I'm angry that we are put on birth control to help with symptoms instead of getting treated for the underlying disease.

I'm angry that in the meantime, the disease is progressing and for many, wreaking havoc on our bodies and fertility.

I'm angry that so many of us are left permanently childless.

I'm angry that so many doctors care more about our fertility that they do our pain and quality of life.

I'm angry most doctors specialize in obstetrics and deprioritize other health issues.

I'm angry that there is no subspecialty within gynecology for pelvic pain or chronic illness.

I'm angry that it doesn't take that much research to know more about endo than an average doctor.

I'm angry that endo is still treated as a reproductive disease, even though its a systemic disease.

I'm angry that my feed is filled with so many incredible people who have also been massively failed by our health care system.

I'm angry at how much research, time, money and energy it takes just to find a provider who understands the disease enough to provide basic care.

~Katy Seppi @Chasing Creation







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